Link-building is the crux of search engine optimization (SEO).

The more links your website acquires, the better.


Links count a vote of confidence from one website to another.

Think about it - if you wrote an article on how to prevent diabetes, you would likely cite reputable medical publications like:

  • WebMD
  • Healthline
  • Medline Plus
  • Mayo Clinic

In the same way, you want other websites to consider your business to be an industry leader.

Search engines want this too.

This is why backlinks improve SEO and ultimately lead to increased website traffic and more revenue opportunities.

So, you want to gain more links for your website, huh?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

This guide will tell you all you need to know about acquiring more links in 2020.


Step #1: Create Great Content

Remember we brought up the example of how medical publications will often cite reputable sources when developing content?

This happens because these sites have a reputation for providing in-depth and valuable content.

  • WebMD
  • Healthline
  • Medline Plus
  • Mayo Clinic

Just take a look at the type of content WebMD produces.

This article is extremely useful and can be used as an official resource for those wanting to learn more about using face masks properly.

Oh, and it also helps that it’s written by a medical professional.

If you noticed, the article above was informative and didn’t seem difficult to write if you know what you’re talking about.

If you’re particularly knowledgeable about certain things in your industry, you can write exceptional content that other websites will link to.

The first step in doing this is to hire a content writer.

Content writers specialize in developing online content in a way that’s valuable to both search engines and people.

It’s not enough to be a great writer.

There are a lot of things to consider when writing content on your own.

Therefore, you should strive to hire either a content writer or a web agency like Optuno that can offer excellent content writing services at your disposal.

In case you want to see what great content looks like, let’s take a look at a blog from marketing genius Neil Patel.

Great content provides context like Neil Patel did here.

We at Optuno also use images to reinforce our content, but the purpose of this is to help you see what we’re talking about.

Adding context like images, tables, snapshots, etc also breaks down complicated topics.

Neil Patel also uses a table of contents so people can quickly skim through each post he writes.

Lastly, Neil Patel uses schema data in his blogs to help them rank better.

Don’t those FAQ-cards look like these?

Neil Patel knows what he’s doing and it’s pretty clever.

He’s using the FAQs from the last snapshot to help his blog rank for a variety of other searches.

As you can see, writing great depends on more than precise writing skills.

Content writing is an art.

There is a lot of work that goes into creating exceptional content, so be sure to put this task in the hands of a proven professional.

The next phase of writing amazing content is promoting it through SEO.

For your reference, we’ve created an incredible guide on how you can boost your website’s SEO.

You can access it by clicking here.

Now, let’s move on to promote your content directly on another website.


Step #2: Start Guest Posting

Creating content for your own website isn’t enough.

If you want to earn a quick backlink or multiple links, you can try your hand at publishing articles on other publications.

The key to guest posting is to only contribute to websites with a high domain authority (DA).

For example, since we’re in the digital marketing industry, getting an article published on HubSpot would be extremely ideal.

According to their guest blogging guidelines, you could receive a free backlink in exchange for all of your hard work.

If you have something interesting or helpful to share in your industry, you can submit a guest post and take advantage of this opportunity.

Not only can you promote your own business in the author’s bio of your guest blog, but you can link back to a blog on your website.

With HubSpot being one of the most popular marketing blogs online, receiving a link from their website would be beneficial to boost your web ranking.

To take it a step further, you can continue guest blogging and link to previous guest posts instead of directly to your website.

These are called second-tier links.

The more you guest post, the more visibility you can attract to other guest posts.

This results in a massive funnel of qualified leads being directed back to your website.

As your SEO ranking increases, more businesses will link to your content.

It all starts with writing one guest post.


Step #3: Outreach

Now, not all websites will open up guest blogging opportunities to the public.

Fortunately, many of these websites will still welcome a great post.

All you have to do is reach out and ask.

For example, let’s say that you want your blog to be featured in Moz.

Moz doesn’t publically provide any instructions on how to contribute a guest blog.

This means you’ll have to find a person to contact.

You can use a prospecting tool like Rocket Reach to find the email address of a person working at Moz.

Then, you can send a personalized email to that person either with a pitch of an article that you'd like to write or to ask if guest blog submissions are open.

Remember that you won’t get a response every time.

But, if you’re persistent with sending emails, you’ll eventually get the response you’re looking for.


Give Us a Call Today!

We understand that a lot of time and effort goes into building links across the web and we offer the perfect solution for your business.

Our Backlink Booster and Guest Post & Blogger Outreach Service can help you reach your goals.

Give us a call today at 1-888-678-8662 or click here to request a free consultation.