Does my website need a blog?

It sure does!

Did you know that featuring a blog on your website gives your website a 434% chance of being better ranked on search engines?

This isn’t just an empty statistic. Marketers who use blogs as a part of their content strategy receive 67% more leads than those who don’t.

In fact, there’s so much data that proves that blogging is a successful business practice that there’s no way we can include them all into this post.

Instead, I’m going to explain why your business needs a blog in a way that relates to you.

Let’s get started, shall we?

Blogs Encourage Online Purchases

You may be asking yourself “why would I start a blog for my business? No one will read it.”

That point of view is quite the contrary.

According to HubSpot, buyers regularly consume content before making a purchasing decision, with 47% of consumers referring to 3-5 pieces of content before they decide to make a purchase.

For consumers, the largest hurdle to doing business online is the lack of trust. Without going too much into detail, buyers naturally have two reasons for why they will visit your website.

  1. They have a problem or need and don’t have a solution.
  2. They have a problem or need and have a solution, but they don’t know where to look.

Hosting a blog on your website will provide both types of web users with a great solution to their problem or need.

For example, if you’re selling vacuum cleaners online. You can create content centered around a common problem that most vacuum cleaner users encounter, which is the weight of the vacuum and how you provide lightweight products for your customers.

This content will be helpful to customers who don’t have a solution to their problem (carrying a heavy vacuum) and for customers who don’t know where to look for their solution.

Blogs are Very Cost-Effective

You probably know that marketing isn’t cheap.

Small businesses are often at a disadvantage because they can’t afford to use the same marketing methods as larger and more successful businesses.

With blogging, however, small businesses have the opportunity to generate the same or even greater online success than their larger rivals.

Want to know how?

Many marketers have found blogging to be significantly more time and cost-effective than traditional lead generation methods.

This just means that it takes far less time and money to create a content strategy than purchasing print or radio ads.

If you want to save time and money, while promoting your business to millions of online prospects, blogging is definitely the best tool for you.

Blogging Increases Web Traffic

Want to get more web users to visit your website?

There’s no better way to do it than by blogging.

Once you write 21-54 blog posts, your traffic can increase by up to 30%, according to Traffic Generation Cafe.

Of course, improving your web traffic means that more people will be willing to listen to what you have to say.

This gives your business more leverage to promote your products and services and convert more sales.

So, if you have a computer and an internet connection, you can receive a lot of moolah $$$ for simply writing blog posts that your audience wants to read.

Is it really that simple to make money from blogging?

It sure is! Allow me to explain how you can get started.

Optuno: Your Ultimate Blogging Partner

At Optuno, we realize how important blogging is for your business, so we’ve created a high-quality solution to help make blogging easy and rewarding.

Optuno provides premium blog writing services to give you the best content to convert more online sales.

If you need more exposure and want to spread your voice to a wider audience, we also offer guest post and blogger outreach services to align your content with the correct audience to maximize publicity and sales for your business.

What are you waiting for? Click here to purchase your fully-functional website from Optuno today to take advantage of these amazing benefits.