There are a lot of benefits to good website design, including an increase in traffic and of course revenue.

Simply having a website isn't good enough anymore; you need to wow your visitors from the first page with quality website designs that make them want to keep coming back for more.

Here are a few reasons why good web page design can increase your revenue and traffic, and how. It's easier than you think!

Make Navigation a Breeze

The easier your website is to navigate and get around, the longer people will stay and the faster first-time visitors will understand where to go. You want everything to be a breeze to find so that customers will keep coming back rather than looking for another, easier to navigate option.

Utilize drop-down menus, a navigation bar, and other navigation tactics to help your customers find what they're looking for. By using an intuitive layout for your website, your website will not only look better, but attract far more visitors.

SEO Practices Increase Traffic

If there's one surefire thing that increases traffic, it's implementing search engine optimization (SEO) tactics into your site. This means finding terms and phrases for the body text of your site, meta tags, etc. that are more frequently searched in Google. If your website tactfully and organically implements SEO practices, you'll notice a big difference.

It's pretty easy to see why this increases web traffic and revenue. The more customers that come to your site and find exactly what they're searching for, the more likely you are to make a sale and keep a customer. It may sound difficult to master SEO, but there are some easy ways you can get started, and some tools that can help you out.

Think Mobile

If your website easily translates from desktop to mobile, you'll see a lot more visits. An ever-increasing amount of people browse the web on their phones now, with 57% of traffic done from phones and tablets. If your site isn't optimized for mobile, you're probably losing out on a large demographic of potential customers.

Having a mobile site ensures that your visitors and potential customers can access your services anywhere. We live in a busy world, and being able to conduct that business anywhere we may find ourselves is an absolute must today. Find a company that can help you make your website mobile friendly and you're off to a good start.

Consider Color

It's important to consider color when designing your website. You don't want to go overboard and use too many colors, and you also don't want to use too little. It might sound silly that color can make that much of a difference, but to the subconscious mind, it's incredibly important.

In fact, 85% of purchasing choices are made based on color. That's a lot of visitors you stand to lose by using improper color practices.

You want to use a few choice colors that represent your brand, and you want to use them sparingly. Work with the white space around your website and use color to guide the eye of the visitor to the most important parts of the site. The eye will always put color over white or black, so surround the most important information in color and you'll keep the traffic coming.

Use a Landing Page

Landing pages are frequently used by businesses today. A landing page is an often simple-looking page that gives an in-depth introduction to a particular site or service, allowing the visitor to sign up for emails or services right away. They contain a call-to-action, and work to try and convert visitors into customers straight from the get-go.

Unlike a homepage, a landing page is meant to sell your product and show off why it's the right choice as simply as possible, rather than offer a way to navigate the site as a whole. A successful landing page has much fewer links, perhaps an area to put your email in or sign-up, and isn't about showing you the other features of the site.

It's all about the pitch, so if you've got a successful landing page, you're much more likely to get visitors on your site.

Landing pages are especially helpful in email campaigns, where a potential customer can get all the information they need from one simple click. If you're looking for a higher conversion rate, try a landing page in your email campaigns.

Testimonials and Reviews

It may feel like you're tooting your own horn by throwing positive reviews and testimonials on your site, but you shouldn't feel ashamed to flaunt what you've got. Many websites use testimonials and reviews to boost their traffic and the confidence of their visitors. As customers, we like to know that what we're investing our time and money in is worth it, so seeing that other people have had good experiences increases trust, and therefore traffic and revenue.

You can implement testimonials on your homepage and tactfully around your site, even giving them their own page. As long as you don't go overboard and flood the site with them, people will see this as a positive sign that business is going well rather than a desperate attempt to convince the visitors you're something you're not.

Use an easy to read font, and maybe even include a photo of the customer who left the review if possible. This will give the testimonial a more personal touch, ensuring visitors that the customer is real. Give it a go and you're sure to increase revenue!

The Importance of Good Website Design

Good website design is the most important aspect of any website, especially if you're supplying a product or service. Whether you try and do it yourself, or get the help of a web design company, you'll always notice a big difference between a quickly slapped-together website and one that takes into account all aspects of quality website designs.

For more on web design and services, check out the other articles on the site. You can also contact us with any comments, questions, or concerns. We'd be happy to hear them.