If you're trying to sell, build traffic, or just make yourself known, search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to winning big. This is a mixture of art and science that companies in every industry should get to know.

SEO optimization is the key to your marketing strategies if you want to build a strong presence today. But what strategies are the most successful?

Here are some SEO strategies that will carry your brand and company to the finish line.

1. Make Your Blog Ground Zero for SEO Optimization

First of all, you should start blogging if you don't already. Seriously.

Blogging is a strategy that costs you nothing but can be the difference-maker for your marketing efforts. A blog allows you to connect to people from all walks of life and brings you free traffic.

When your blog is rooted in interesting content that brings value, it's easier to draw in people that are searching for what you provide. As such, your blog should serve as the foundation for your SEO optimization strategy.

It's a clear-cut way to make your website more interesting and to bring in new traffic each day. Use catchy titles, topics and calls to action (CTA) to create winning content that people enjoy.

2. Set a Content Schedule and Stick to It

Optimizing your content is a surefire way to bring in fresh traffic. However, content creation only works when you stay consistent with it.

If you have a video channel, commit to posting content regularly, and ask your viewers to like, share, and subscribe. You'll get even better results if you have a schedule that people are used to because they'll check back with you each week.

People are starved for content that informs, inspires, and entertains them, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many of us spending more time indoors, you can expect people to tune in and become loyal followers if you truly hook them on your content.

Set standards for quality that you won't sacrifice, but don't get too stuck in your head trying to make every piece of content go viral. Set a schedule, put your content out, and then wash, rinse, and repeat.

3. Stay Consistent With Your Use of Links

Content creation and link strategies go hand in hand.

Sprinkle some high-quality, authoritative links in your content to build your credibility with viewers and Google. Avoid using competitors' links, and make use of statistics and other facts that will solidify your content.

Develop a good mix of both internal and external links and use them liberally with the pieces of content that you put out.

4. Have a List of Keywords That You Incorporate

Though your content keeps people, it's the keywords that bring them in.

Keywords refer to the common words or phrases that people punch into Google to find what you have to offer. Use some keyword research tools so that you know which will get you the most traffic.

Once you've found some keywords that are relevant to the content you're creating, use them multiple times throughout each entry. However, don't turn people off by overloading your pages with keywords.

Web users are savvy today and can tell when you're simply trying to get traffic. Release nothing but well-written content, and learn how to use your keywords subtly.

Plug the keywords into your intro paragraphs, the body of your content, and at least one subheader to get the best SEO results. Using your keywords with consistency will get you plenty of traction with search engines, and the quality of your content will build a loyal following.

5. Get to Know Voice Search

The way that people use search engines is evolving every day. Web users today are accustomed to talking to Siri, Alexa, and Google when they want to find some information.

Because of this, you need to make sure your content is optimized to pick up voice search results. The popularity of voice search isn't slowing down anytime soon.

Right now, close to 50% of searches are done by voice. These statistics indicate that voice searches rank second only to mobile searches as the most popular way to interact with search engines.

Make voice search a staple part of your SEO optimization strategies moving forward so that your brand can keep up.

6. Remember That SEO is Visual

Though written content, keywords, and algorithms matter, always focus on the visual part of SEO. Every blog post should include a high-quality image that is relevant to the content.

People today love video content as well. The more visually impressive you make your content, the more likely you are to get people to stick around and spread the word.

7. Build a Website That is Fast and Easy to Access on All Devices

Once you bring in fresh traffic you need to make sure that your site can support it.

Focus on making your website move as fast as possible. Scale it so that it doesn't become slow or buggy when more people start to visit.

Always focus on mobile search engine optimization as well, since people love their mobile devices.

Create SEO Optimized Content That Wins the Internet

Developing an SEO optimization strategy will help you build a winning brand. The power of SEO is unlimited once you understand your niche and what people enjoy about your content.

We can help you turn your website into a marketing machine.

Check out our portfolio and then reach out to us for a free consultation.